My ivf Journey




Can i choose the gender of my baby?


Hoping for a baby girl?
… or perhaps a baby boy?

Received the most question from couple was:

Q: i already have two gilrs,can i make a boy by doing ivf?
Q: i have 3 boys, i want to have a girl for next pregnant, can ivf help me?

understand may family will having family planning and hope for family balance too.

So in this article i am going to share with you about gender selection. ♂️♀️
and this is call MicroSort®

What is MicroSort®
MicroSort is a scientifically proven preconception process that improves the chances that the baby you conceive will be of the desired gender.
Semen samples usually contain equal amounts of sperm carrying the Y chromosome (which will produce a boy), and sperm carrying the X chromosome (which will produce a girl).

How it works?

MicroSort® is a sperm separation method based on the difference in the amount of genetic material in sperm. Sperm carrying an X chromosome has approximately 2.8% more DNA material than sperm carrying a Y chromosome.

During the MicroSort® process, the sperm sample is washed to remove seminal liquid and nonmotile cells. After the washing, the sample is stained with a special fluorescent material that attaches to the DNA contained in the sperm.

The stained sperm cells are analyzed one by one by a flow cytometer, in which cells pass through a laser to make the stain attach to the DNA fluoresce. The sperm containing the X chromosome (which have more DNA and therefore more stain) will shine brighter than the sperm containing the Y chromosome.

The flow cytometer uses a special software to identify X and Y chromosome sperm based on their fluorescence signature. The sperm carrying the chromosome that will produce the desired gender are separated from the rest of the sample — resulting in an enriched sperm sample ready for use.

The sorting process of each semen sample takes between 6 and 7 hours. Many assisted reproductive techniques allow MicroSort® to cryopreserve the samples for future use or by doing ivf.

The Result

The purity percentages for MicroSort® sorted samples will vary according to different factors, including the amount of motile cells, progression, the gender selected, and the difference in amount of DNA between X and Y chromosome (this changes slightly according to each patient). After sorting, the average purity of MicroSort® samples is 90% for girls and 78% for boys. In terms of the number of babies of the desired gender born, MicroSort® has been 93% effective for girls and 82% effective for boys.


X (Girl) after sorting 88% acurate
Y (Boy) after sorting 74% acurate

MicroSort® does not guarantee a baby of the desired gender, but the technology is scientifically proven to significantly increase the likelihood of conceiving a baby of the desired gender.

By doing ivf with Microsort + PGS, PGS are almost 100 percent accurate at determining the sex of the embryo.

In PGS, embryos from parents who are presumed to have a normal number of chromosomes are tested for chromosomal disorders, such as Down syndrome. PGS can also screen embryos for sex, so some fertility clinics offer this test for nonmedical reasons, including family balancing.

Case Study:

Couple A: Have 3 girls,plan to have a boy.
Result by doing ivf + pgs,she got 3 girl blastocysts

Couple B: Have 2 gilr,plan to have a boy.
Result by doing ivf + Microsort® + pgs,she got 4 blastocysts, 3 boy and 1 girl.

Microsort® are help by incresing the gender you want.

If you have any more question regarding ivf treatment,
please drop me a message by pm or whatapp.





#ivf #icsi #microsort #genderselection

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