My ivf Journey




My IVF Journey Interview Video

My IVF journey interview video by MHTC ❤️
🤗Thank you Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council 👍


Reason to Choose a Best IVF Centre


IVF Treatment for Infertility
Fertility treatment is amongst one of the most challenging medical treatment to understand as it is an elective procedure with an average success rate of around 50-50.

At Alpha Fertility Centre, however, all the odds are tipped in your favour. From investing in revolutionary technologies to continuous training and Research & Development, every investment is a calculated decision to increase your chances of bringing home a bundle of joy.

With unmatched IVF protocols and international clinical standards, you need not look far to enjoy success rates that are comparable with top IVF centres around the world.

It is no secret that IVF technology is an intensely delicate procedure, as it involves the fertilisation of sperm and oocytes. This means even the slightest change in the surroundings or the genetic makeup could make a difference in the fertility treatment’s success.
PGS to avoid unnomal blatocyst transfer

Preimplantation Genetic Testing is already a well-known procedure in many fertility centres, where embryos and/or blastocysts are screened and graded. Only normal embryos will be transferred into the woman’s womb, hence increasing chances of pregnancy and reducing rates of miscarriage. With the ION TORRENT TECHNOLOGY, Alpha is able to run PGS/PGD concurrently on a single platform from a single biopsy. This increases clinical pregnancy rates to 82.9% compared to other systems where the biopsy would be done at least twice, causing possible downgrade to a good embryo/ blastocyst.

Cryotec Freezing Tecnology with 100% survival rate (only at Alpha Fertility centre)


The freeze-thaw process is a crucial element in any IVF treatment, where extra oocytes and blastocysts are stored for future use. Since July 2013, Alpha has been using the proprietary CRYOTEC® Freezing Technology for all embryos and blastocysts, as it is the only method with a proven track record of 100% survival rate of embryos and blastocysts during the freeze-thaw process.

While most fertility centres currently use Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) to introduce fertilisation, Alpha is the only centre in SEA that uses Piezo-ICSI. Piezo-ICSI uses a blunt, finer injection tip to introduce the sperm into the egg, hence the possibility of damaging the egg is reduced. This has proven to give better fertilization rate & healthier embryos through monitoring the morphological changes of the embryos.

Alpha has also invested in the capability to visualize the progress of embryo development continuously from Day 0 to Day 7 by taking photographs every 5 minutes in the incubator. This allows embryologists to select only best embryos for transfer and increase IVF success rate.

These technologies and more are brought together under one roof to provide customization of treatment because no two couples are ever the same. Every couple is special – thus, Alpha Fertility Centre is committed to making each treatment plan one-of-its-kind.

R&D lies at the very heart of Alpha Fertility Centre. As a strong member of the international fertility fraternity, Alpha Fertility Centre enjoys access to the latest updates, knowledge and skills in fertility treatment.

Alpha Fertility Centre’s specialists also contribute to the pool of knowledge by conducting research prolifically. The results have been published in many international journals, or presented in international conferences, such as the Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis International Society (PGDIS) Annual Congress, Congress on Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE), and the annual Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society of OGSM (Malaysia ) Congress.

20 scientific papers were produced in 2016, whereas 15 scientific papers were produced in 2017. The commitment to the development of the science of fertility treatment is well-recognised by peers in the same industry. Internally, the centre also invests heavily in training and development for its doctors, embryologists and staff to optimize their skills and potential.

For patients on fertility treatment, all the technologies and skills are meaningless if they do not have the one single desired effect – pregnancy.

The centre’s high clinical pregnancy rate of 82.9% in 2016 was presented at the 24th Congress of Obstretrical & Gyneacological Society of Malaysia (OGSM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. At the same conference, Alpha Fertility Centre also presented on a 100% post-thaw survival rates for embryos and blastocysts using the revolutionary Cryotec® freezing method.

A new technique showing that a mix in frozen blastocyst on Day 5 and Day 6 resulted in high clinical pregnancy rates of 71.4% was presented at the 6th Congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproductive (ASPIRE) in Jakarta 2016.

Another discovery in 2016 – the transfer of a single blastocyst aged less than 120 hours (from insemination to the time of embryo transfer procedure) produced outstanding clinical pregnancy implantation rates of 78.6% – was presented at the 15th International Conference on Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGDIS), in Bologna, Italy.

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我知道还有很多姐妹还很迷惑,或者害怕,到底会不会痛,是不是很辛苦?其实生孩子会比这个痛😁 做试管疗程除了每天要打针,就是取卵后的那一天可能会比较不舒服,腹部会涨,好像月经痛的感觉。过了一天就会舒缓。然后到植入的阶段,也完全不痛的,植入是在完全清醒的状态进行,那是迎接你宝宝到来的一刻!当医生替我植入好的时候,我还对宝宝说欢迎你😀



说到费用,是的,很贵,不便宜。2万多,每次有姐妹问我,请问你做疗程花了多少钱?我说2万3,哇 那么贵!是的,我第一次去询问疗程的时候,也是觉得,哇!原来要花那么多钱!到底老公会不会答应?我真的很想要孩子,所以就和老公商量。后来慢慢去消化一下,去了解各种收费细节,所用的技术。再从每家医院去分析,打价,好像菜市买菜那样,要比价钱。为了不让老公觉得有负担,却又能够让我尝试做一次试管,我就跟我老公说,我找到更便宜的,要不要去看看🤔结果他回答我说,现在是要打针做疗程,你一定要找最好的,不要找最便宜的,找好的希望可以一次成功😥听见他这么说,我觉得很安慰。因为他在支持我做这件事。让我觉得更有信心去做疗程,老公的支持真的很重要。既然决定要做,就找合适的医院来做。





如果你希望直接预约去检查,这里也有一张voucher可以免费送给你用。 是可以到Alpha, Kota Damansara 试管中心检查用的,到这里填表格就可以:

IVF Journey, A Husband’s Perspective :


#ivfmalaysia #试管婴儿 #ivfjourney2015 #ivfblog #ivf #我的ivf试管婴儿の日记


Can i choose the gender of my baby?


Hoping for a baby girl?
… or perhaps a baby boy?

Received the most question from couple was:

Q: i already have two gilrs,can i make a boy by doing ivf?
Q: i have 3 boys, i want to have a girl for next pregnant, can ivf help me?

understand may family will having family planning and hope for family balance too.

So in this article i am going to share with you about gender selection. ♂️♀️
and this is call MicroSort®

What is MicroSort®
MicroSort is a scientifically proven preconception process that improves the chances that the baby you conceive will be of the desired gender.
Semen samples usually contain equal amounts of sperm carrying the Y chromosome (which will produce a boy), and sperm carrying the X chromosome (which will produce a girl).

How it works?

MicroSort® is a sperm separation method based on the difference in the amount of genetic material in sperm. Sperm carrying an X chromosome has approximately 2.8% more DNA material than sperm carrying a Y chromosome.

During the MicroSort® process, the sperm sample is washed to remove seminal liquid and nonmotile cells. After the washing, the sample is stained with a special fluorescent material that attaches to the DNA contained in the sperm.

The stained sperm cells are analyzed one by one by a flow cytometer, in which cells pass through a laser to make the stain attach to the DNA fluoresce. The sperm containing the X chromosome (which have more DNA and therefore more stain) will shine brighter than the sperm containing the Y chromosome.

The flow cytometer uses a special software to identify X and Y chromosome sperm based on their fluorescence signature. The sperm carrying the chromosome that will produce the desired gender are separated from the rest of the sample — resulting in an enriched sperm sample ready for use.

The sorting process of each semen sample takes between 6 and 7 hours. Many assisted reproductive techniques allow MicroSort® to cryopreserve the samples for future use or by doing ivf.

The Result

The purity percentages for MicroSort® sorted samples will vary according to different factors, including the amount of motile cells, progression, the gender selected, and the difference in amount of DNA between X and Y chromosome (this changes slightly according to each patient). After sorting, the average purity of MicroSort® samples is 90% for girls and 78% for boys. In terms of the number of babies of the desired gender born, MicroSort® has been 93% effective for girls and 82% effective for boys.


X (Girl) after sorting 88% acurate
Y (Boy) after sorting 74% acurate

MicroSort® does not guarantee a baby of the desired gender, but the technology is scientifically proven to significantly increase the likelihood of conceiving a baby of the desired gender.

By doing ivf with Microsort + PGS, PGS are almost 100 percent accurate at determining the sex of the embryo.

In PGS, embryos from parents who are presumed to have a normal number of chromosomes are tested for chromosomal disorders, such as Down syndrome. PGS can also screen embryos for sex, so some fertility clinics offer this test for nonmedical reasons, including family balancing.

Case Study:

Couple A: Have 3 girls,plan to have a boy.
Result by doing ivf + pgs,she got 3 girl blastocysts

Couple B: Have 2 gilr,plan to have a boy.
Result by doing ivf + Microsort® + pgs,she got 4 blastocysts, 3 boy and 1 girl.

Microsort® are help by incresing the gender you want.

If you have any more question regarding ivf treatment,
please drop me a message by pm or whatapp.





#ivf #icsi #microsort #genderselection

做试管可以选择性别吗?ivf can choose gender?



♂️♀️精子拣选技术 MicroSort®

MicroSort®是一个经科学认证的精子分类术,可以把精子分类为 X 和 Y。精液样本通常包含50%X (女孩)以及 50%Y(男孩)的染色体精子。

♂️♀️Microsort® 技术的根据是什么?

Microsort® 是一种根据精子中遗传材料的差异性来分类的方法,X染色体比Y染色体的精子拥有多出2.8% 的DNA物质。



♂️♀️Microsort® 如何分类
在 MicroSort 精子分离的过程中,先洗涤精子样本以去除精液和无动力的细胞。洗涤后,用一种
特殊的荧光材料将样品染色,这种荧光材料会附着在精子中的 DNA 上。
染色的精子通过流式细胞仪进行逐一分析,细胞通过激光使染色附着到 DNA 荧光上。含有 X 染
色体的精子(因有更多的 DNA 而产生更多的染色)会比含有 Y 染色体的精子更加明亮。
流式细胞仪使用特殊的软件,基于荧光标记来识别 X 和 Y 染色体精子。携带着所需性别的染色体

♂️♀️Microsort® 的准确性

X (女)精子 分类后 有 88% 准确率
Y (男)精子 分类后 有 74% 准确率

MicroSort® 不能保证100%的准确率,但是这项技术是用来增加所需要的性别精子细胞百分比。
之后还需要靠PGS/NSG 胚胎染色体检验来为你100%确认该胚胎的性别与染色体状况。

A 夫妻 已经有了3位女孩,希望有一位男孩。
做了ivf试管+pgs 技术,结果得到了3颗胚胎,
经PGS 检验3颗都是女的。

B 夫妻 已经有了2位女孩,希望有一位男孩,
做了ivf + MicroSort® + pgs,结果得到 4颗胚胎,3颗男,1颗女的。

以上是分享MicroSort® 可以为你要的性别增加机率。

分离好的精子,就是使用icsi 技术注射进卵子里去培植,必须养成day 5 的囊胚,再做PGS 检验来确认胚胎的性别。




