My ivf Journey




What do you and your partner need to do before IVF treatment


 First of all, congratulations! You are brave to take the first step to do the IVF treatment! I hope and wish you the best of luck with your treatment!

But be sure to take the time to recuperate your body before starting the treatment! After all, the IVF is very expensive, so don't start the treatment without doing anything! come on! Let's get started!


Vitamin supplement

Wife:  Coq10 150mg, Vitamin D31000iu, Folic Acid 500mcg, Fish Oil

Husband: Coq10 150mg, Vitamin D31000iu, Zinc, Fish Oil

You can still take these vitamins after you start the injections. Vitamins can be bought at any Farmasi, or at Shopee. Any brand is fine.

Vitamin photos are for reference, if you buy other brands, you can also.
Jiu Ji Gong Lao Brown Sugar and Ginger Tea 

JiuJiGong Ancient Brown Sugar has no additive, no preservatives, pure and natural food, capable of enriching ‘Qi’ and blood circulation, retaining nutrient content of sugar cane. It consists of calcium, maltose, amino acids, protein, vitamin B, fructose, reducing sugar, glucose, molasses, malic acid, folic acid, riboflavin, carotene, niacin and other rich variety of trace elements. Those are essential and easily absorb by our body.

To Order can contact me by
Learn more about this JiuJiGong brown sugar

As a theme column of CCTV, "Ingenuity Recommendation" not only recommends a product, but also recommends an inherited attitude and ingenuity. Therefore, logging on to the CCTV "Ingenuity Recommendation" column is a recognition of Jiujigong's firm inheritance and an affirmation of Jiujigong's adherence to ingenuity. Traditional classic old food is born out of the concept of traditional food culture, and it is also the carrier of the concept of traditional food culture.



Have enough protein, you can drink protein powder, or absorb protein from food, such as: eggs, soybeans, edamame, cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, chicken, salmon, etc. See more Eat Clean recipes.

 Try to eat a variety of vegetables and fruits every day, such as boiled mixed vegetable soup, stir-fry, delicious and nutritious. Vegetables should be eaten in a variety of colors every day. If your husband does not like to eat vegetables, use a bleander (破壁机)to make a glass of vegetable juice with a variety of fruits and vegetables every day, so that you can absorb enough nutrients and fiber every day. Use olive oil as much as possible for cooking oil, and light olive oil is suitable for frying.
Juice Combination Sharing:(The following combinations are for reference, you have tried several times yourself, you can also choose your favorite fruit to replace and add)
1. 1 apple, 1 banana, 1 red dragon fruit, 1 cucumber, some spinach (pre-cooked spinach)
2. 1 orange, 1 tomato, some celery, 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 cucumber
3. Appropriate amount of grapes, 1 orange, 1 banana, 1 red dragon fruit, 1 tomato, appropriate amount of spinach (spinach is pre-cooked)
 The above are all combinations for reference. You can also mix other fruits, after all, cucumbers, strawberries, blueberries, celery, etc.
*You need to add some water every time.
*Men add more red tomatoes to help regulate sperm quality
*Green vegetables, such as spinach, can be washed and placed in the microwave for one minute, or boil in hot water.

Silkie Chicken Essence can improve eggs and sperm quality
I think the best dripping chicken is made from black chicken, and they only choose the female black chicken, because the female is milder and suitable for replenishing the body. The chicken essence made from black chicken is mild and not hot and suitable for drinking every day when preparing for pregnancy. Complete amino acids & peptides, relatively concentrated and easily absorbed by the body.
Order From here:
There are currently special discounts for couples who are doing ivf. Enter the discount code [ivfbb] when placing an order to get a discount, and it will be shipped directly from Taiwan to Malaysia for free shipping. Because it is a Taiwanese website, you need to place an order with a credit card.
Some people ask if it is possible to make chicken essence at home, it is possible, if you can do it, it is more work, and if you want to drink it every day, you need to buy a chicken to make it every day.

Daily Lifestyle
Quit smoking, quit drinking and quit vaping (especially for husbands). Because of the ivf, sperm quality is a very important part. Poor sperm will affect the prime number of the embryo. Husbands, please cooperate and do your part.

- The couple should go to bed early, no more than 11 o'clock. Even if you eat to make up for it, staying up late every day will be in vain. Staying up late will hurt the uterus the most.

- Quit coffee, milk tea, soda cold drinks, etc., drink warm water and old brown sugar every day, you will find that your body become better.

-  Exercise is important, especially if the couple is obese, it can also affect physical function. So try to spend a few days a week to do exercise. If you have a gym at home, you can run on a treadmill or walk slowly. Try to make your heart beat and let your blood circulate. If you are at home, you can watch youtube and do a workout at home. There is no problem with any type of exercise, the main thing is to get yourself moving! Now that you have time to watch your phone, you will have times to exersice too!
When exercising, you should pay attention to your heartbeat. Everyone has an upper limit of maximum heartbeat. How do you know what your heartbeat limit is? Just use 220 to deduct your age, and you will know what your heartbeat limit is. For example, if you are 35 years old this year, you can use 220+35= 185. This means that your heart rate can go up to 185, and it cannot exceed it. If it exceeds, the heartbeat too fast and it will be very dangerous. It is often heard that those people who play badminton suddenly died , because of this situation, the heartbeat is too high, so heart attack. It is best to wear a watch that can measure the heartbeat when exercising.
Pregnancy preparation is something that couples need to accomplish together, so couples must have a consensus! It is recommended to use half a year or 3 months before the test tube to recuperate the body before starting the ivf.

🌸 This month's promotions
🌻 Maternity check for couples + AMH only costs 388
🌻 Maternity check for couples 288
🌻Smart ivf treatment RM14,888.00
🌻Smart ivf plus treatment RM25,000.00
🌻Standard IVF presents Ai technology to the end of the year

My IVF Journey

Visit Alpha IVF Lab

*Any inquiries please contact Shino
Finally, I wish you a good pregnancy!
#pre-test tube conditioning
#I am your IVF consultant Shino
#happy pregnancy







太太:Coq10 150mg, Vitamin D31000iu, Folic Acid 500mcg, Fish Oil

丈夫:Coq10 150mg, Vitamin D31000iu, Zinc,Fish Oil  

这些维他命开始打针后还是可以继续吃,维他命可以在任何Farmasi 买到,或者在Shopee买。任何牌子都是没有问题的。

九吉公老红糖与姜母茶 ( 暖宫必备)

10位不孕的太太去看中医,中医都一定会说因为宫寒。那到底要如何才会不寒呢?就是老红糖,老红糖益气补血、活血化於、健脾暖胃、缓中止痛,舒缓经痛,手脚冰冷, 缓慢更年期, 帮助排除产后恶露, 促进母乳的生成, 帮助解酒, 舒缓疲劳, 促进睡眠. 每天泡一杯来喝,会改善宫寒,保暖子宫,子宫好才容易怀孕。丈夫和太太都适合一起饮用调理。
很多人听见红糖,以为是brown sugar,是超市买到的红糖,其实不是。老红糖是用高原的甘蔗做的。以下视频会让你更了解。



《匠心推介》作为央视CCTV的一档主题栏目, 不只是在推介一种产品, 更是在推荐一种传承的态度和匠心精神。 所以登录央视CCTV《匠心推介》栏目, 是对九吉公坚定传承的认可, 也是对九吉公恪守匠心的肯定。 传统经典老食品, 是传统饮食文化理念所孕育出来的, 也是传统饮食文化理念的承载者。


补充蛋白质:可以喝蛋白粉,或者从食物中吸取蛋白质,比如:鸡蛋,大豆,毛豆,花椰菜,芦笋,菠菜,鸡肉,三文鱼等等。可以多参考Eat Clean 食谱。

 每天尽量吃多种类的蔬菜水果,比如水煮杂菜汤,清炒,好吃又营养。蔬菜每天要吃多种颜色的才好。如果您家的丈夫是一位不喜欢吃蔬菜话,用破壁机,每天用多种水果蔬菜打成一杯蔬果汁,这样每天可以吸取足够的营养和纤维。煮菜的油尽量都用Olive Oil, 要选light olive oil 才适合煎炒哦,pure olivia oil 是用来做沙拉的,要会分。
1. 一颗苹果,一根香蕉,一颗红色火龙果,一条黄瓜,适量菠菜(菠菜预先烫熟)
2. 一粒香橙,一粒番茄,适量芹菜,一根香蕉,一粒苹果,一条黄瓜
3. 适量葡萄,一颗香橙,一根香蕉,一粒红色火龙果,一粒番茄,适量菠菜(菠菜预先烫熟)



- 夫妻俩要早睡,不要超过11点睡觉,就算你吃得再补,每天熬夜的话都是白费,熬夜最伤子宫。

- 戒咖啡,奶茶,汽水冷饮料等等,每天喝温水和老红糖,你会发现身体会有所改变。

- 运动: 运动很重要,特别是如果夫妻过于肥胖的话,也会影响身体功能。所以每星期尽量花几天时间来做运动,如果家里有健身房,可以用跑步机跑步,慢走都可以,尽量让自己的心脏跳动起来,让血液循环。在家的话,可以在家看youtube 做workout. 任何类型的运动都没有问题,主要是让自己动起来!既然有时间刷手机,不如让自己动一动!
运动时要注意自己的心跳,每个人都有一个上限的心跳指数,要如何知道自己的心跳limit是多少? 只需要用220 扣你的年龄,你就知道自己的心跳limit是多少。 比如你今年35岁,你就用220+35= 185. 意思就是你的心跳最高可以去到185而且,不可以超过,超过的话心脏就会符合不了会很危险。常听见那些人打羽毛球突然暴毙的,也因为是这个情况,心跳太高,就heart attact.运动的时候最好可以带可以测量心跳的手表。

建议试管前用半年或3个月时间调理好身体再开始试管。毕竟试管的费用很高,备孕很久都无法怀孕说明身体体质不好,所以务必要好好调理。调理好才开始试管才能增加成功率。大家一定要有 #我跟你拼了的精神!加油, 祝大家成功! 

 带你走进Alpha IVF 试管中心的胚胎实验室,了解胚胎师的日常!

🌻Smart ivf 疗程 RM14,888.00
🌻Smart ivf plus 疗程RM25,000.00
🌻Standard IVF 赠送Ai技术至年尾
